Originally Posted by MissBrattified
I agree, often the damage can't be undone. Jeff has told our kids a similar story about feathers and a feather pillow many times. However, the damage also shouldn't be magnified purposely by anyone--for any reason, and IMO that is what was done with the immediate public sharing of the video on youtube and the Facebook uproar by non-interested parties that followed. "Exposing" people for wrongdoing isn't our job as Christians. Restoring people who are "taken in a fault" is.
Further, while an apology doesn't necessarily negate the damage done by careless words, it also is pretty much all that can be done after the fact. We aren't supposed to purposely hold onto a grudge to teach people about the "damage" they've caused. That lesson comes more organically, in other ways, and shouldn't be at our hand, purposely, ever.
I agree that an apology is all that is really able to be done with this situation. What has been said, has been said, and people have taken sides, regardless of the true intent of the comment.
And you are further right in that the fall-out, with damage control taking place may take some time to heal. However, most certainly as fellow believers, we should not continue to hold something against someone if they have apologized, and intend to change.
Time will tell if JA has really had a change of heart after apologizing, and stops using derogatory names in the pulpit. If that is the case, then this issue will be settled. If, however, he continues these antics in future messages and sermons... that is a different story all together.