Originally Posted by triumphant1
First, I think it is plausible for JA to come back saying, "I meant the original author of said comment was an idiot and not the preacher who quoted him." I don't personally believe that JA would call SG an idiot…I truly don't. Did he use a poor choice of wording…yes. Because his choice of wording can absolutely be taken wrong.
When he said, "Don't be offended" I think he didn't mean "Don't be offended that Im about to call YOU and idiot." I think he meant, "Don't be offended that I am going to refute the idiot you quoted."
I would hope he wouldn't either, but why use "you're" after saying "I don't know which one of you guys said it" and "don't be offended?"
Was Maxwell at BOTT?
The problem is this...the explanation both here and by PO is really wordy and doesn't flow with what JA said or how he said it. He's a smart guy. He knows words and how to say things for maximum impact.
Do you really think he'd say "you're an idiot" when referring to Maxwell? Grammatically it doesn't make sense. If he were referring to Maxwell, he would have said, "he's an idiot" not "you're an idiot."
But you likely made PO's day by agreeing with her.