Thread: Bott '14
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Old 01-29-2014, 08:23 PM
Sweet Pea Sweet Pea is offline
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Re: Bott '14

Originally Posted by n david View Post
FTR - I don't think JA is a bad guy. He's preached a few messages that ministered to me. I think that JA may feel he has to continue with the crude words and innuendo he uses because the crowd has come to expect it. It has become his schtick, his gimmick.

I love his passion about grace. He is one of the few UPC ministers I heard who isn't afraid to preach about grace. He does better when he sticks to the word and doesn't go off the cliff berating certain groups of people.

I hope he did make it right with SG and apologize for the remarks and accusation he made in front of thousands. Fortunately, SG's reputation is such that I imagine most in the audience didn't believe what JA was accusing him of. And I hope that should JA speak next year at BOTT that he remember the wildfires a comment can make. I hope he never attacks another minister like that again.

And I hope to be attending BOTT '15! I was close to going this year, but was unable to because of a last-minute change at my job.
After reading this thread, I think we all wish you had gone so that we would have first-hand information and not video clips and innuendos from different people.

However, after watching the clip several times, it is my opinion that regardless of whether JA didn't like what Maxwell says or not - he was not referring to Maxwell when he said "you are an idiot"; had that been the case, he would have said, "he is an idiot" or "the author of that book is an idiot." We get in trouble at my house for saying "idiot" and "stupid" when referring to any human being - regardless of the context.

Again.... JMHO
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
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