Thread: Bott '14
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Old 01-28-2014, 09:58 PM
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Re: Bott '14

Originally Posted by triumphant1 View Post
You failed to highlight the word MOST before every….just saying.

It's what I meant to say. I have tried to explain what I meant. MOST every problem I dealt with as a new pastor was a carry over from the former…I said most every NOT EVERY!! There were some big problems that cropped up in my first three years that were not present in the former administrations.

When I said, "Finally, I came to a place where every situation I dealt with was current to my tenure. Not my fault--just on my watch!" I was talking about the CONTEXT in which the original teaching I heard was focused on--tenure not fault. That at some point you get to pastor only the problems that crop up on your watch. Your tenure. There was NO assignment of blame in the teaching and that is what the last statement is referring to.

I will say for sure (and agree with JA) that not every problem was or is my fault--how can I be the blame for someone committing adultery or turning out to be homosexual, or dying in a car wreck? But I did have to deal with these situations during my tenure whereas they were not an issue under my predecessor because those people didn't go to church when he pastored it. They were on my watch.

I hope that clears up my contribution to this discussion.
Thank you. I understand you better now.
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