Originally Posted by n david
There you go again.  And here you claimed a while back to not be using that word as an insult.
Is it an insult when one says the truth?
For now, I'm fine with women teaching or preaching (my favorite is Vesta Mangun), but I do not believe any women should be a Pastor, or in any leadership position which places here above other men.
I agree with you. They should not pastor a church, that's just plain feminism creeping into the body of Christ. And we know where that comes from, don't we?
But teaching and preaching should be fine.
Hmm…that makes them a pastor too….ah well..
So…anyone being saved under the ministry of a female is not saved because
female preachers is not biblical. If not biblical it must be from the enemy…
Oh, boy…you folks sure have a way of making things complicated, but that's not a surprise when "men" start laying down the rules.