Thread: Bott '14
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Old 01-27-2014, 11:14 AM
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Re: Bott '14

Originally Posted by Jack Shephard View Post
What JA said there is no excuse for. What about where he talked about the President? Rumors have it he called him a qu**r or f*g. He apparently also said something like "we have a black man in the White House and a white man in the fields" I don't know the context of that statement, but I can't fathom a scenario where it would be okay to say that - especially at BOTT where the Mangun's are friends with the Clinton's and with Hilary likely running for President next year that wasn't a good idea for JA to say something like that (if it is true). Also, he talked about gays and said very rude and horrible remarks about them. Called them horrbile terms akin to what he apparently called the President. JA has a long way to go to make this right across the board.
Well, that is embarrassing to be viewed as a gossip. Maybe you have a long way to go. Just sayin'....
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