Thread: Bott '14
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Old 01-26-2014, 09:52 PM
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Re: Bott '14

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Gleason isn't an idiot. I've heard him speak many times and know his love and passion for the ministry and for the truth.

I'd like to hear his message in whole before assuming Arnold was even right about the quote. Might he have misunderstood what Gleason said?

Again, it was a gutterball, low class, arrogant, ungodly, disrespectful, dishonorable, unbecoming a minister thing to do.

And no one should be defending this kind of behavior.
If he believed what Maxwell said, it was idiotic to not only believe it, but to repeat it to a group of leaders as though it was gospel. What false condemnation!!! Haven't you worked hard enough to get a little riled up over that? I sure have, and I know JA has too.

Funny, that JA quotes exactly what he heard, in front of everyone, but you want to only verify the other guy.

To put that type of false pressure on a group of leaders would make me question the passion for the ministry and truth.
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