Originally Posted by BalancedLife
Here is a popular quote just to show you instead of really making a difference to the audience, agendas are still being pushed. You all know with this quote what the message was about, no need to divulge:
"My personal holiness is the best gift that I can give to Jesus"
The message was entitled, "The First Trip Behind the Veil."
You wrote: "You all know with this quote what the message was about, no need to divulge." From the litany of quotes, I would say you couldn't be more wrong.
I used "#BOTT" and "@sogleason" to look up tweets, then spent a lot of time going through literally hundreds of tweets trying to find the one you posted. I found one tweet of that quote. There were a few other tweets similar to it. It was not the most popular quote tweeted from the message.
- "A minister's personal life of holiness is his greatest gift to God, his family, his church, his brethren, and his world."
- "The greatest gift I can give to God is my personal holiness, consecration, and right spirit."
- "My personal holiness is the greatest gift I can give my family, my church, and my world."
Here are some other quotes....again, I'd like to hear/see the message in its entirety before claiming to know exactly what the message was about.
- "Get your eyes off your brother/sister -- they aren't your goal for holiness. God is."
- "A true revival will not bring you closer to the world. True revival will always draw you closer to God." (re-tweeted many times)
- "Real revival never celebrates or exalts the flesh; real revival always consumes the flesh on God's altar." (re-tweeted several times)
- "Holiness is holistic, refusing to be compartmentalized. Nothing in your life is worship, unless all of your life is holy."
- "If you're not having revival, your family won't have revival." (re-tweeted several times)
- If I don't have a personal revival, our church can't have corporate revival."
- "There is a profound connection between holiness and revival."
- "A minister's personal revival is a holiness issue! In every revival there has always been a desire to get closer to God."
- "Before the priest can make atonement for the congregation, he must make atonement for himself."
- "Yesterday's anointing is just that."
- "Prayerlessness for a preacher is not only sinful, but it's arrogance."
- "Authentic revival will not lead you to false doctrine. Authentic revival will draw you to truth." (re-tweeted many times)
- "A true revival will take the world out of you."
- "In the Old Testament, God required more of the priest than the people."
- "As leaders, we cannot lead anyone into the Holy of Holies until we ourselves have been there first."
- "Holiness unto the Lord should impact every area of our life."
- "A Heaven sent revival will always be followed by a passion for holiness."
- "A ministerial license is not a stop being a Christian Card."
- "You can be anyone you want in cyberspace but you can't fool God."
- "Don't get seduced into thinking you can make it in ministry without prayer."
- Azusa Street prophecy said 'in the last days people will worship a God they don't even pray to,' we must pray!"
- "Holiness is a revival issue."
- "Giving to missions is a holiness issue."
- "It's a holiness issue when our cars cost more than we have given to missions in the last five years."
- "The reason delusion feels like revelation is that they both come from God." (There was a whole thread on this here...Gleason must read AFF!)
- "Have we lowered the expectations of the ministry to the point that they only have to be moral and we're satisfied?"
- "I have a fear we are dumbing down the expectation of the ministry."
- "Every revival, Biblically and historically, has involved personal and corporate holiness. Revival and holiness are inseparable."
- "The profile of moral failure in the ministry looks like this: 1. Isolation 2. No sense of accountability 3. No prayer life."
- "The fruit of revival only comes through the cost of consecration."
I'm going to go out on a limb here, because I haven't heard/seen the full message yet....this was not a message on standards, as was claimed previously.
Originally Posted by BalancedLife
But what I glean from the man's quote is this - he is referring to what he feels are a set of standards that are corporate in setting but have become "personal" to him because he received a revelation of holiness (in regard to standards). So, he thinks that this revelation received and the choice to make the set of standards his own, is the most pleasing thing to God that he can do.
Again, I haven't heard the full message yet; but based on the tweets above, IMO it's safe to say you were way off with your original claim. It's important to know the context and content.
Originally Posted by BalancedLife
You all know with this quote what the message was about, no need to divulge:
"My personal holiness is the best gift that I can give to Jesus"
It's obvious that you really didn't know what the message was about.