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Old 01-21-2014, 06:57 AM
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Sister Alvear

Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Brazil, SA
Posts: 27,040
Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

AND likewise I could refute you all day but have more important things to do...and besides I don't mind giving my point of veiw to you but it is a waste of time for I will not change truth and the calling of God for what you think is truth...I respect you and have many friends that do not see the scriptures like I do however each one of us must work out our own salvaltion with fear and trembling...Many times I have asked HIM (God) why He called....don't think it has not been without tears and hurts...but I must go on and today my race is almost finished...All I care to her Him say is Mission Accomplished...I KNOW what it was like to stand under a shade tree barely speaking Portuguese 46 years ago and have NO ONE visible standing with me talking to some of the most dangerous robbers and prostitutes while my life was being threatened...and police begging me not to go to that place but God said to go...and to me HIS words and biddings have always been important. I started that work alone, slept on dirt floors, took my baths in a nearby stream (dirty stream at that) ...there was no electric lights or nothing like that...I know the fear of a young lady tallking to some of the vilest men that were in their drunken stages...I know what it is to take the glass of bear from their hand and led them to a little bench I made and sit with them and tell them about a God that changes all things...I know what it is to hold a little woman's hand that her husband was wanted by the police for killing 21 people and her tell me he will kill you too, missionary if I come under the tree and listen to you....back then I used old flannel graph and told the story of Jesus to adults that could neither read or write for the most part. Many of them would stand like little children amazed...some amused that a little foreign girl was in their village...To make a long story short...the witchdoctor ordered me out and told me he was killing a black chicken and when it died I would die...His big robust body towering on my little body (at that time..ha..) was no match in strength or human resourses however I looked him in the eys and siad, "Only if your god is more powerful than mine..." He walked away to do his job to kill me I walked away and invited one more under the shade tree...We would have our afternoon stories because of no light at night and at night whoever invited me I would go to their little humble abode and sleep if blessed on a cornshuck matteress...

Slowly I won some of these misplaced people. the derelicks, the beggars, the lonely men and women....a lot was provided for us and we made our own little bricks and without any experience built our first building.

Today many years later they have rebuilt the church or should I say added on 4 or 5 times...a wonderful pastor....sometime ago I walked in and the whole church stated singing, Thank you for giving to the Lord....

So as day ends I am glad that I regrets....
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Last edited by Sister Alvear; 01-21-2014 at 07:49 AM.
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