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Old 01-20-2014, 11:46 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
In the Old Testament the prophet Joel (2:28) said that after God poured out His Spirit upon all flesh that “…your sons and daughters shall prophesy.” The Hebrew word for “prophesy” is “naba`” which means to speak or sing under divine inspiration.
In Acts 2:17 Peter echoed those same words. The Greek word for “prophesy,” is “propheteuo” which means, “to foretell events, to make known one’s thoughts, to speak under divine inspiration, use a prophetic office or inspired preaching!” The old men did not immediately dream dreams on the day of Pentecost but it was speaking of future happenings. So this was the same in the prophesying of sons and daughters. That was yet to come.
The word “prophecy” is a noteworthy noun that means, “inspired declaration of God’s will and purpose.” Prophecy in the verb tense means “to proclaim by inspiration the Word of God.” Both means preaching and declaring God’s Word with inspiration. Tracing this word a little further we learn that part of the word means “luminousness” or like shining a light. The prefix “pro” of the Greek word “propheteuo” means “in front of.”

We can apply this word’s meaning to one that is divinely inspired to speak in front of others as to shine light on the Scriptures. Women of God have the same responsibility as the men to shine light on the Scriptures, as the Lord should lead.

Here you once again simply speculate precisely what you fail to demonstrate. Where can we see a woman shedding light on the Scriptures to a congregation to men in the Bible:___________? Been asking you that for years now - still waiting for the passage where a woman "is divinely inspired to speak in front of others as to shine light on the Scriptures" - doesn't exist (neither is this the lexical definition of this Greek verb).

Respectfully (& I mean that very sincerely) - You have been caught making innumerable mistakes from the Greek language - & have just been caught again .
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