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Old 01-16-2014, 09:39 AM
shazeep shazeep is offline

Join Date: Dec 2013
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Re: Did you mourn leaving the UPC?

"I'm praying that there's also an element of relief and belonging that come from this move..."

With all due respect, and understanding what you mean, you should feel that already? And don't be surprised if a similar issue arises in whatever new church you come to, imo--which may be nothing more than God's desire for you to find another pastor to learn under, and expect that at some future date you will have learned what you were sent there to learn, and be looking again.

Strangely, i felt that 'wandering' into a church that i felt led to--literally leaving home in the car (i still had both of those then) without a set destination on Sunday morning, and totally ignoring the sign (Methodist, Unitarian) on the building when i arrived--worked well as an interim measure. While i didn't stay in any of those churches, it helped with my 'hearing' somehow.
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