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Old 01-08-2014, 05:12 PM
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Re: Hello I am in need of help

Originally Posted by renee819 View Post
John1, I'm not familiar with Victory Outreach. Is it a Pentecostal church?

If your mom and dad are not saved, you still as long as you are at home need to obey them concerning chores and anything that doesn't violate the truth. And you need to spend much time being a loving son, and praying for your mom and dad.

You say that you are rebelling. Do you know what you are rebelling against?
I know another young man, that is rebelling and he sometimes talks to me. When I asked him what he was rebelling against, he really couldn't give me an answer, except he kept blaming everything on his mother, because she had to work, and didn't have time for him. Even now that he was 28 yrs old. he still felt the lose.

When I pointed out that she had to work, to keep a roof over his head, he knew that, yet felt the same rebellion, and anger. I suggested that he set down and write out all of his frustrations and anger. He said that he would, that was months ago, but I haven't heard from him since.

I suggest that you do the same, write a letter to God, tell Him all of your problems. And at the end, make it into a prayer.
Not only will it help you to focus on the problem but may help you to see what you need to do. There comes a time in our lives that we can not blame our problems on other people. But have to start taking responsibility for our life. But only Jesus can help you know what that is, and where to start.

Evidently you have repented. Have you been baptized in His name? And have you received the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues. It is the Holy Ghost that spreads the love of God in our hearts for other people.

If you haven't done these things, this is where to start.
Rebelling against Christ, I've been complaining and not forgiving wholeheartedly, been baptized, I can speak in tounges, I've been judging harshly, hypocrisy, I fear that the Lord will condemn me for my transgressions
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