Originally Posted by Timmy
Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones? Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice? Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet? Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?
Do only Christians have these special powers?
I have been thinking about answering this post for a while and just haven't gotten around to it. Since I'm sort of an edge-skirter on a lot of things, I thought I might chime in.
Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones?
No, but sometimes I truly feel like certain scriptures or even things out of Reader's Digest are speaking directly to me and my situation. When I was in the church, I was constantly looking for this and it took something from it. Now, I don't really look for it, so when it happens, it is very nice and feels inspired.
Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice?
This is like asking how you know you are in love. Again, when I was in the church, I was constantly looking for this and now I am not. But there are times I feel something is truly from God and other times it seems like just a hunch. Other times some things drive me nuts. For example, at the risk of sounding nuts, this just happened to me last week. I had a dream I was in a certain town and knew details about it. So, my husband and I were driving in a certain town we had never been before in real life right after this dream. I started getting a little jumpy and told my husband, if there is a DQ around this corner, I am going to be freaked out. Well, there was one. And then after a while I said, okay, I just have to do this. I asked him to turn a certain way because I needed to see if there was a lake there. I told him about my dream. Well, there was a lake there. Then, I got mad because I felt like I was just being kind of tormented. There was no real reason, it seemed for the dream, other than to get me riled up. So, maybe before I die there will be something or maybe not. But I just threw this dream over my shoulder and moved on because I felt nothing but irritated. Sometimes I am practically sure that a feeling I get means something and other times I am pretty sure, but I am never 100% sure.
Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet?
I don't know if I have ever met a true prophet. But I would measure them by their love and openness and realness.
Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?
Events usually bear out whether it is true or false not my guessing at it.
Do only Christians have these special powers?