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Old 01-05-2014, 12:18 PM
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Re: How can you tell?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones? Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice? Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet? Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?

Do only Christians have these special powers?
I have been thinking about answering this post for a while and just haven't gotten around to it. Since I'm sort of an edge-skirter on a lot of things, I thought I might chime in.

Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones?

No, but sometimes I truly feel like certain scriptures or even things out of Reader's Digest are speaking directly to me and my situation. When I was in the church, I was constantly looking for this and it took something from it. Now, I don't really look for it, so when it happens, it is very nice and feels inspired.

Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice?

This is like asking how you know you are in love. Again, when I was in the church, I was constantly looking for this and now I am not. But there are times I feel something is truly from God and other times it seems like just a hunch. Other times some things drive me nuts. For example, at the risk of sounding nuts, this just happened to me last week. I had a dream I was in a certain town and knew details about it. So, my husband and I were driving in a certain town we had never been before in real life right after this dream. I started getting a little jumpy and told my husband, if there is a DQ around this corner, I am going to be freaked out. Well, there was one. And then after a while I said, okay, I just have to do this. I asked him to turn a certain way because I needed to see if there was a lake there. I told him about my dream. Well, there was a lake there. Then, I got mad because I felt like I was just being kind of tormented. There was no real reason, it seemed for the dream, other than to get me riled up. So, maybe before I die there will be something or maybe not. But I just threw this dream over my shoulder and moved on because I felt nothing but irritated. Sometimes I am practically sure that a feeling I get means something and other times I am pretty sure, but I am never 100% sure.

Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet?

I don't know if I have ever met a true prophet. But I would measure them by their love and openness and realness.

Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?

Events usually bear out whether it is true or false not my guessing at it.

Do only Christians have these special powers?

Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

When I was young and clever, I wanted to change the world. Now that I am older and wiser, I strive to change myself. ~
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