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Old 01-04-2014, 08:44 AM
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On the road less traveled

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Re: Platform Standards

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Thank you, Kept.

It is present, but not yet in its fullest sense. We are moving that way, though, and have been for a while now (I would say we are at about 70% of the way there). I have been one of the main instigators. Some changes take time, though.
Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Thanks, Michael.

This is how I see it (from my own experience).

Whenever I've had people over for fellowship and Bible study, or have gone to one myself, what do I see?

All in casual dress (sometimes even with women in *gasp* sweatpants), sitting together on the couch or floor, sharing and receiving, speaking and teaching, ministering and being ministered to, and on it goes. Kids on laps, or playing or coloring, husbands and wives snuggling up, and etc. It is, dare I use the word, glorious?

But when I attend an "official service" at a church building, with clergy present, almost all of that goes away. The razors come out, the suits and ties come out, the whatever comes out for the purpose of personal beautification and other outward adornment reasons.

In a home, people are eating and preaching, swallowing their food and reading along in the Bible at the same time, and God is there.

Go to a service, and food isn't even allowed in the "sanctuary".

For what? Why? For the liturgy and so the platform people can do their thing while the Body sits and watches.

To me, when churches operate like that, they are but a crib, to keep the babes in the Lord safe. But the crib gets pretty small for the growing saint after awhile. They need a place to stretch out and grow. It's then that the home, and not some other building (which hosts a platform, clergy, and laity) becomes the best place for them to be.
This thrills my heart to hear this. I know there are a lot of churches who have begun to use cell groups and have one service on Sunday, with cell group services throughout the week. I am wondering if this is what you are speaking of.

In fact, in a home setting, fellowship becomes more intimate, and relationships are built more easily, than a large group meeting where everyone is focused on the group on the platform, rather than each other. I truly believe home fellowship is key to becoming a vibrant, and alive body of Christ.
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