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Old 12-28-2013, 03:31 AM
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Re: Platform Standards

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
That's the point. As one newly come to the Apostolic Oneness movement I expected so much! After all the tracts and booklets written by Apostolics I figured their Churches would be so full of life and truth!

Oh what a let down it was. I was in love with this great truth that Jesus/Yeshua was the ultimate revelation of the one true God! And yet the more I searched out Apostolic Churches a painful reality set in.

Once you get past Oneness and Acts 2:38 there was really not much to get excited about. Certainly not as dynamic as the Jesus Movement had been. Not as much love as among the Charismatic movement.

Altho I was appointed an Elder not long afterwards in The Apostolic Gospel Church in Springfield Ohio I was ashamed to ask anyone to come. For all the preaching about Trinity being a man made doctrine to be refused they had their own false traditions that they could not even see.

Its ok somehow FOR US to make up tradition as we go along but not for someone else. To bring people to Churches that teach so obviously false and then have to justify it to seekers of truth was a hard thing to bear and still is.

We were used to in the Jesus Movement taking people off the street , hookers, gays, hippies and so forth preaching Christ to them. So marvelous!

Yet in our Apostolic Church a women came in to visit and on her second visit Pastor blasted her for wearing jewelry. Of course she did not come back. His brother in law visited one night with a beard. AFTER they ran him off then they said how they chased the devil out of the house.

Many of you have similar stories.

Bottom line. The truth of Jesus Only and Acts 2:38 holds me firm to identify myself as "Oneness Pentecostal". I have not returned to Trinitarian Churches since I left in 1980. I still love the Charismatics and Pentecostals who have the Holy Ghost. I love Jesus truth more.

And yes I love the Apostolic Movement probably more for what it started out as (in a historical sense) than what it is now. And I could never fit into Churches that don't baptize in Jesus name.

I sure hope my expose of that which is wrong among Apostolics would not turn anyone from the glorious truth that they (and only they) have found. Yet there is more truth waiting.

My prediction (not thus saith the Lord) is that the current Apostolic orgs and their influence will wane and out of the midst of them will one day be born a new move of God! Overcomers loving truth zealous for Yeshua and willing to forsake all to be his and know him deeply.
I believe this is a good explanation from where Mike is coming from. And it is the truth. I wish every Apostolic Leader would take Posts like this to heart and quit majoring on the minors. Jesus said it best, “straining at gnats and swallowing camels.” while the world goes down hill at a fast pace to face a firey end. And like Mikes example of preachers thinking they have to clean fish, while Jesus is trying to woo them in to the Truth, they are beating the waters with a stick of tradition's, and chasing the fish away.

If a person is truly born again, God will clean them up from the inside out and false traditions of men, will just hinder the process.
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