Originally Posted by Timmy
Do you have special powers that let you know when you read truly inspired scriptures, or fake ones? Can you know the difference between a random hunch (even if it turns out to be true) and God's still, small voice? Can you tell the difference between a delusional person and a true prophet? Do you know when someone gives you a word of knowledge that it is the real thing or fake, even if it is a correct guess?
Do only Christians have these special powers? Only Oneness Pentecostal believers?
it is called the spirit of discernment // john 10 says about my sheep know my voice and a stranger they wont follow ...
special powers i gues you can say that becuase anything god does is special// have seen in many times folks that have no gifts in their life just put down those that do . its really just jealousy...are there false people ,oh yes for sure..there spirit will tell on them ,ttheir life wont be right before god //if we dont know the difference between the real and the false we need a new dose of the holy ghost!