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Old 11-23-2013, 09:37 AM
seekerman seekerman is offline

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Re: Just A Reminder To Those Who Have Left The For

Originally Posted by bishoph View Post
I have made my stand on this subject very clear....I will NEVER stand by and allow the abuse of a child. I will report such and do everything in my power to see to that those responsible are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.....which in most case is not enough IMO.

I will not fellowship any church/pastor who teaches/endorses child abuse. Believing God for healing is one thing, allowing children to suffer/die is something totally different.

If we were in different times/under different circumstances (such as a government requirement to violate religious faith in exchange for treatment) then my answer would be different with regard to medical treatment......but never different with regard to abuse.
I agree the government shouldn't be the determinant regarding the medical care of one's children, that should be the responsibility of the parent.

I don't really know you, but I do believe you wouldn't fellowship and associate with those who practice the issues concerning medical care, or lack thereof, of children. That's by far the norm within oneness Pentecostalism, that's the rule rather than the exception.

Should those who do fellowship and associate with that segment, however small, of oneness pentecostalism be questioned for their behavior though? For example, if a oneness pentecostal started embracing 'liberal' standards, there are those who would quickly point out the error of the brother and cease any fellowship with him or the church which he pastors. There would be no hesitation in those cases. Some would even go to the extreme of disfellowshipping themselves from the organization of which they were a part and begin their own organization.

So, the question remains. What should those who find they're in fellowship with those who practice, however infrequently, however small the occurrence, erroneous theology which results in the suffering, and sometimes death, of little children do? You've made yourself quite clear on your position and I appreciate that. Is it permissible to question those who aren't so clear with their position or is that taboo? Does questioning that person or persons make the questioner evil or unglody?

I don't think it does.
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