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Old 11-22-2013, 03:51 PM
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Re: In Need of a Re-filling?

Kept wrote,
Just a side bar... what is a chalk-sermon?
My husband built me a large easel, and I used a large piece of chalk paper, and chalk to paint a picture with a sermon. For instance, one sermon was,

Take The Cross Off The Wall And Build a Bridge To The People.

On the left side of the picture, I had a cliff, and at the bottom of the cliff, an ambulance. And then I put a fence on top of the cliff. The sermon, Don't wait to pick up the pieces, but build a fence to prevent the disaster.

Then also at the bottom of the cliff was a river, and across the river the cross making a bridge. On the right side of the picture, I drew a large church with a steeple and a huge cross in front.

After I drew the picture, then I put on the appropriate music, and turned on a black light. Some of the chalk was florescent, and picked up certain themes in the picture. Then I had a little sermonett.

The most response that I had, was once when I painted a picture of Jesus. When I turned the florescent light on, His eyes sparkled a brilliant blue. As the song played, “How Great Thou Are”

That really brought a shout.

Kept wrote,
In response to your post, I have definitely encountered this as well. I've not heard it discussed before. Although I don't think that the virtue or spirit has diminished in any way, but more that the physical man is exhausted

I've never heard this discussed before either, except to hear ministers talking about how exhausted they were after preaching. That's why I brought it up for discussion. I believe I'll do more study on this, in the Bible.

Kept wrote,
Spending time alone with the Lord is the best way to refresh oneself, which is why I believe the gospels record Jesus leaving the crowds to go into the desert or the mountains to pray after spending the day healing and ministering to the people.
Yes, I agree.
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