Re: Are All the Apostolics Gone from AFF?
I am a true Apostolic Christian. Everything starts with faith and continues by faith. If ANYONE wants to be a disciple to Jesus they MUST forsake all others and all else in comparison.
1. Repent.
2. Be baptized into the name of Yeshua/Jesus.
3. Receive the Holy Spirit....followed by tongues or perhaps prophecy.
Laying on of hands to receive the Spirit. Gifts of the Spirit are real. Post trib rapture. There is no "immortal soul". At death we "sleep" until awakened by Christ at the FIRST RESURRECTION.
The wicked will not gain immortality, eternal life in the lake of fire. They will perish in its flames when God wills.
Christ will rule this world for 1000 years, his saints will be his kings and priests converting the Earth to its original state as the garden of Eden.
All saints are to be like Christ. Only they who do the will of God should have assurance they will be FINALLY SAVED.
God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus. Everyone will be judged with perfect justice.
My personal preference is that men wear beards and women wear long dresses or skirts. Apostolic sisters cover their heads with a veil if they participate in body ministry. I reject that a woman trimming her hair is a sin.
Churches of sufficient size to warrant it have plurality of elders. The Elders of the Church should work with their hands and not expect tithes from the saints. Saints are to give to the work of God and to the poor as they are able.
It is our responsibility to teach the full gospel including all the commandments of Christ. This is the great commission.
How could I have forgot to include this most magnificent truth?
Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 11-19-2013 at 05:03 PM.