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Old 11-15-2013, 09:42 AM
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Re: lambs book of life.

Originally Posted by pastor RICK View Post
so you really think god will have a literal book sit there on aliteral throne and judgement takes years and years to read it out to each one .. lol. sorry it is spiritually written spirtually discerned ..everything is not a spiritual i know ..
but many things are.
he has no literal throne either .. god is a spirit .. if we take that all literal then JESUS has to literally sit on the fathers hand i know you really dont think that surely . it does take payer and fasting to open our minds to his word and his will.
You seem to be forgeting two key points:

1. By this time God has already declared that time shall be no more. Therefore even if it took years and years it would seem as though no time had past at all.

2. As God is omnipresent would it really be outside of the realm of possibility for Him to judge each individual person at the same time and yet to each person it seem as though God was only judgeing him.
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