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Old 11-04-2013, 12:25 PM
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jfrog jfrog is offline
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Re: Biblical Argument or Private Interpretation?

I've seen men of other faiths and men without faith in anything do every kind of good Christian work imaginable. If good works are the evidence of a true christian believer then I say some Buddhists and some Muslims and some atheists are better Christians than some of you all.

So works alone are no better evidence of someone's salvation than someone simply sayin I believe in Jesus. In fact the statement I believe in Jesus without anything else is infinitely better evidence of someone's salvation than any amount of good works only.

So is faith in Christ possible without good works? Yes! Someone can fully believe in Christ without having any time left to go out and do good works. That's not typical because most people's lives don't end so suddenly after belief that they don't have time to produce some good works but it can happen.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
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