Originally Posted by renee819
The reply is true.
People that don't want to give their lives to Jesus completely, try to use, You're not saved by works, argument. Which in the Word is usually talking about, The Law. And in actuality, no you are not saved by works. As we see Cornelius was not. But he was saved by obedience He was saved by receiving the Holy Ghost and being baptized in Jesus name. In fact he was commanded to be baptized in Jesus name.
When I say, we are not saved by works, I'm talking about---feeding the poor, visiting the sick, giving alms, no one is saved by doing those things apart from the Plan of Salvation.
But on the other hand, if OBEDIENCE, is works, then we are saved by works of obedience.
Saved by faith, YES. Every person in the world that was ever saved, was saved by faith.
But where would Noah have ended if he had refused to build the Ark?
Abraham, if he had refused to sacrifice his son?
Moses, if he had refused to lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt?
No one is saved by faith alone. Faith requires obedience. And where will those end up refusing to be obedient to God's Plan of Salvation, because they have been taught a false doctrine that to do so is works. And somehow works has become more terrible than sin, or disobedience.
Yet we are told over and over that we will be judged by our works.
Renee if you reread post#2 it was was said that salvation by faith is always expressed through works, but these works are not what saves. It is the faith that saves. Saving faith is obedient faith. But what is the point of salvation/regeneration? Was Noah saved BECAUSE he built the ark or did Noah build the ark because he was a man who already had a right relationship with God because of his faith? Same with Abraham and Moses and all of us. This is the point of
James 2, living (saving) faith is never alone.
Now you made the comment that people who don't want to give their lives completely to Jesus use the argument "were not saved by works", it really doesn't matter who makes the argument the question is "is it biblical?" Of course there are those carnal unregenerate people who use that argument to excuse their lack of fruit, that's why I mentioned
James 2 and the tests of saving faith in 1 John. But would you say everyone who takes that stance doesn't want to give their lives to Jesus? Paul Washer doesn't want to give his life to Jesus? John MacArthur? Leonard Ravenhill ? John Wesley? Martin Luther? Jonathan Edwards? None of them wanted to give their lives to Jesus? In order to debate something you don't agree with you used an ad hominem attack.
Now the original point I was refuting was the sinner must first make themselves a holy and acceptable sacrifice to God BEFORE He will save them (by giving them the Holy Ghost). Do you believe that to be true? If you do then explain how that is not working for salvation and in exactly what sense the Holy Ghost is a gift if there are certain things we have to do to make ourselves acceptable to God (even holy) in order to "get it". And when you're done explaining that, tell me how an unregenerate sinner can ever make themselves holy and acceptable without the Spirit.