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Old 11-03-2013, 08:45 PM
Servetus Servetus is offline
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Posts: 75
Biblical Argument or Private Interpretation?

So I ran into an OP pastor friend the other day and started talking theology, before I was interrupted by a phone call and had to part ways. Of course I have left the OP movement and so we were debating back and forth about the Holy Ghost and salvation, et al. He was making some unique statements about salvation, which to me seemed to be way out in left field, without any solid hermeneutical grounds.

Two statements he made were 1)God always seals an acceptable sacrifice with fire, and He seals us with fire, therefore we are to offer ourselves as a living sacrifices holy and acceptable to God, and if He finds our sacrifice acceptable then He will seal us with fire (the HG baptism). His other argument was a scoff at my view that salvation has always been by faith, thus we are saved in the same manner as Abraham (to which he said if that's true then Jesus didn't need to die on the cross). So here is a brief response to him, and a brief reply. Obviously we are on different sides of the see-saw.....Give me your opinions and thoughts.
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