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Old 10-18-2013, 09:26 AM
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On the road less traveled

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Re: Very Little Bible Reading In Church

We visited a Calvary Chapel, and they teach through the Bible also, and every Calvary Chapel is on the same schedule of scripture teaching. I like their approach where the pastor takes the chapter, and teaches exegetically from it, and can add their own anecdotes and current events to make it relevant to the day, and most always they end with a call for repentance, and a re-comittment of your personal relationship with the Lord.

We currently are having "church" in our home with a group of people, and our approach is to take a chapter or two, and study through it, with discussion, thoughts, and references to other scriptures as well. It works very well for us, and it is amazing what our teenagers have brought up in the discussion, and how much they have learned being able to ask questions, and think about what we are reading. It has been a wonderful thing.

Most people want to be entertained, which is why the Bible reading is decreasing in churches. People want to laugh, or cry about a good story, but they really don't want to be challenged or changed, just entertained. Preachers have learned that to keep people coming back, they've got to tickle their ears with stories, anecdotes, and so on.

However, to find a group of people who don't want to be entertained, but who want to grow spiritually and have greater depth in their lives, they will seek after someone who can teach from the Word of God, and challenge them... and not be just another form of entertainment... that is tough, and hard to find in mainstream, mega church atmospheres, in my opinion.... which is why we have been blessed to grow much deeper in our relationship with the Lord as we meet in a home group.
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