Re: Russia To Protect Christian Foundations
You guys are DECEIVED if you think for one minute that Putin is emphasizing his idea of "Christian Values" for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The dude is a homophobe!
Homosexuals have been increasingly targeted for brutality and murder!
Racism??? Virtually anyone non-Russian looking have been increasingly targeted for brutality and murder!
I'd rather have a President that is clear than a KGB operative using religion for more sinister plans.
You guys don't know what you want.
An "ORTHODOX" Christian theocracy would most likely have you non-Trinitarians burned alive!
You want to live in Russia? You want to live in a place that only value individual liberties when it is line with a wicked leader's motives? GO AHEAD! LEAVE!
You think the grass is greener? Go ahead-- eat their fertilizer!
When the poison works through you, maybe you will appreciate AMERICA (and even President Obama)!
You all should be ashamed of yourselves!
Have you no APPRECIATION at all for individual liberty?
Do you not see individual liberty as being a key part in truly loving our GOD and Savior Jesus Christ?
The USSR was the first nation to FORCE universal atheism on its citizens-- but Russia is so different from the USSR, right? Russia wasn't the seat of the USSR and Putin had nothing but disdain for the USSR government and its atheistic leanings from day one he was forced to become a KGB operative.
Putin was just going through the ranks so that one day, he can bring Christianity to Russia!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 09-20-2013 at 09:02 PM.