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Old 09-20-2013, 02:36 PM
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Re: Russia To Protect Christian Foundations

I have a friend who is from Russia, her family is still living there. She told me that Putin has been restoring the Christian churches in Russia.

I ran across this article some months ago and found it to be very interesting, mainly because Putin is getting a divorce.

Vladimir Putin, Defender of the Faith?

There is considerable irony in Vladimir Putin, the old KGB official, taking on the role of defender of Christianity.

Putin likes to be photographed in the company of Orthodox priests. He claims to have been secretly baptized during Soviet times and to have had some sort of religious conversion. Is he sincere or just using religion as a political tactic? The same question may be raised about Dmitry Medvedev, who kept the presidential chair warm for Putin and who is reputed to have a chapel in his dacha. However one wants to wants to answer the question, there is a long pre-Soviet history of Imperial Russia intervening in the Middle East, sincerely or not, under the banner of protector of Orthodox Christians.

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