Re: The problem with the UPCI
You know what I think???
Here's the problem with the UPCI... people won't leave them alone.
People have a right to live by their convictions, no matter how outlandish or unbiblical that those convictions might seem. People have a right to set standards for private associations... no matter how outlandish those standards of fellowship might seem. As a private organization they have the right to govern their body as they wish.
So... if you don't feel at home in the UPCI... maybe it isn't for you. Maybe God is calling you elsewhere. Don't become bitter, don't try to make radical waves on the illusive hopes that things might change overnight. Just find another house of worship. You have the right to live according to your beliefs and convictions too. And who knows... maybe God's best for you is waiting... waiting to be received once you let go. Be true to yourself. Live the life you desire to live deep in your heart. Besides... it will come out eventually anyway. Why waste another day that you'll never get back fuming over something YOU can change for yourself?
If the UPCI is a good fit for you, that's cool too. Stay true to what you believe deep in your heart. I can respect that. And I value many people within the UPCI... even thought I'm not a big fan of the organization.