Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
The Apostolic Theological Forum was established in 2002 to provide a colloquy where papers on theological subjects coul be presented and discussed. A variety of papers dealing with doctrinal issues, church, government, prophecy and history have been presented each year inthe Forum. This is the first journal published by the Forum.
Maintaining Apostolic Distinctives In An Adversarial Culture - Carl McLaughlin
Ecclesiology and the Triumph of Nature Over Culture
A Oneness Pentecostal Apology - Roger D. Perkins
Kiss of Betrayal: The Record of Theological
Seminaries in America - J. R. Ensey
Christ and Culture:
An Introduction to H. Richard Niebuhr's Classic
Work on the Relation between Christianity and Culture - Steve Pixler
The Relationship of Culture and Prophecy - William Chalfant
A Plea for Expository Preaching In the Apostolic Setting
- Philip Harrelson
Jesus, Seen Through Jewish Eyes - G. Jorge Medina