Re: Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology
The Apostolic Theological Forum was established in 2002 to provide a colloquy where papers on theological subjects coul be presented and discussed. A variety of papers dealing with doctrinal issues, church, government, prophecy and history have been presented each year inthe Forum. This is the first journal published by the Forum.
What Pentecostals Brought To The Theological Table - J. R. Ensey
An Apostolic View Of Grace - E. W. Wheeler
God's Truth - R. Todd Nance
Aspects of Preterism: A Brief Survey of Its Definition, Origin and History - William Chalfant
Baptism "In Jesus'Name" and The New Testament Greek: Preliminary Considerations for the Defense of Baptism In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ - Talmadge French
Messiah in the Tanakh: Shadows of Divinity in Rabbinical Interpretations of the Hebrew Scriptures - G. Jorge Medina
Ministry and Mission: An Overview of the New Testament Church Government - Steve Pixler