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Old 08-20-2013, 02:10 PM
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Toward an apostolic Systematic Theology

Systematic theology attempts to present the truth of Scripture in a systematic way. That means the teachings of the Bible are organized according to some kind of logical system of topics or subjects.

There has been, for the longest time, a 'traditional list' of topics which generally follow the topics of dogmatic theology, as exemplified by Melancthon's Loci communes : God; One; Triune; Creation; Man; Man's Powers; Sin; Fruits of Sin, Vices; Punishment; Law; Promises; Restoration by Christ; Grace; Fruits of Grace; Faith; Hope; Charity; Predes..tination; Sacraments; Human Orders; Magistrates; Bishops; Condemnation; Blessedness.

Many systematic theologies have included some type of apologetics in the beginning, either as the first subjects covered or as a sort of prolegoma (sp?) or prologue, thus many theologies begin with 'the authority of Scripture' and/or various proofs for the existence of God, or even (as Finney did) with an epistemology of truth and knowledge and reason itself.

Anyway, I have read Horton's Systematic Theology which is interesting (it is an AoG theology) but honestly not quite up to par with many of the older 19th and 18th century works.

In any event, if one were to develop an apostolic systematic theology, suitable for both students of ministry (aspiring preachers, teachers, theologians, etc) as well as 'lay people' (I hate that term), what would be the suggested topics and their order?
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