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Old 02-20-2007, 07:05 PM

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Originally Posted by originalsecretplace View Post
False doctrine keeps people from heaven whether it comes from a UC, UL, Mod Lib, Con, etc etc

Is there false doctrine in the UC camp more than others?
False Doctrine can do nothing of the sort, though I know what you are saying. The acceptance and application of false doctrine does, however, have its effectual impact.

Now then, seeing that false doctrine is not of God, but rather of men, and of devils, we can easily see that those that accept and apply all scripture correctly for doctrine have that which is of God.

You present a good question in a sense:

Is there false doctrine in the UC camp more than others?
Groups with sound and complete doctrine have always been few, even within the early church. Consider how Jesus dealt with the various churches in Revelations 2 and 3. Only 2 groups out of the seven checked out to be on course, while the others received their encouragement and rebuke. There are some fine examples for us here.

I see all these modern day 'camps' represented here in some form or fashion, each with problem areas that need to be overcome in order to make it.

In considering the ultra-con 'camp,' I see a great deal of consecration to Christ and His Word. All hypocrites aside, every camp has their share, I believe that they have a great deal going for them in areas that other camps will never know of for their deafening piles of heaping teachers. Those that believe that they are too selective probably will never consider just how selective Jesus really is. And those that believe that works have nothing to do with salvation will not want to read the red letters here in Revelations.

The UC camp is an easy target with their elite strive for perfection and excellence unto the Lord.

It is true, they have some things to overcome, and what a disappointment it will be to their critics when they do. Often times these critics rely on the shortcomings of others to vindicate their least within their own deceitful hearts.

What about the principle question of this thread?

No group can prevent, nor ensure one's eternal salvation. That is between Jesus and the individual, ultimately. If more people would realize this, the stronghold of group 'camps' would falter as more would work out their own salvation with fear and trembling.

The borders of these 'camps' fade to insignificance as we get truly closer to Christ. Errors and erroneous doctrines suffer greatly as they approach the Light. Truth and Love take care of spot and blemish where the Spirit of God speaks freely and the various doctrines of men are silenced.

If you think I speak as a moderate or some centrist, know that moderatism simply marks the spineless, lukewarm center pit of falsity rather than some high minded point of balance.

I refer to a place in Christ where any individual or group, great or small, of one mind and accord, in Spirit and Truth, can find. Where the Spirit leads and we can follow. Where our ways yield to His ways, the things of this world fade to vain insignificance, and action replaces our repetitive words.

I don't think we are there yet as a church or movement, but I think it is out there. I believe that it is attainable, I believe that we have had but peeks into what is possible and available to us, and I believe that we mostly read about it at the hands of Apostolics that were Christ minded, not group 'camp' minded.

For they didn't know group 'camps' as it is, but they sure did know Christ.
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