Originally Posted by MarcBee
Neither moral nor constitutional--my points hinge around intitial comment in thread--to assert that laws, constitutions, and so-called rights are just words until someone is able to back up the intention of law with force. For big issues, big forces often used, such as a military. For other rules, mere shame can be an effective enforcer. US Constitution? It has probably always been only selectively applied.
Yes, I also went for low-hanging fruit just for fun, such as the wrongness of slavery, or other pop-morality slam dunks, etc. Not exactly the issue with CSA. I'm guilty as charged there. But....
If my defining an invisible CSA to be one and the same with a non-existing CSA is "moral rant," then okay. IMO, this whole silly debate is revolving around what the word "REALLY" means. As in, "The CSA doesn't really exist today."
Saints be praised, we do agree about something.
Yeah it is the end if you ignore the Constitution of the United States as Lincoln and the Radical Republicans did.
We agree also in that any further conversation with you about this is pointless. Forced exile does not mean invisibility or non-existence.