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Old 07-18-2013, 04:53 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: 150th Anniversary

This thread reminds me of an episode of Family Guy (I know...not a good cartoon at all). Anyway, they end up in the south and they go to a civil war re-enactment, but at the end of it...the south doesn't lose. Instead Lee knocks the other general out and declares the south the victors and then all the southerners start cheering. Brian and Stewie point out that isn't what happened, the south lost and the southerners get violent and the family has to run for their lives.

The south lost. The CSA doesn't exist. We have a better chance of finding Bigfoot living in a suburban home with the Loch Ness monster swimming in his pool than the south has of ever "rising again".
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