Originally Posted by odooley6985
I voted DEM and I am still mad at all this. Its starting to make me regret being associated with the DEM party and those who think like this.
Seems to be a growing mindset under this Administration. I think the country was ripe for it, and would have only been kept under the rug with a Romney Administration. I still say, it was time for a Revolution - all the skeletons are coming out of the closet to be debated with this Administration. O has brought out the worst of what is wrong on big government policies and social issues. I still have faith in the American people.
Originally Posted by odooley6985
O and I have never heard of Cracka being a cop term. Cause its not. Its a derogatory term for white people.
Yes, I've always known what "cracka" is referring to. She lied on the stand and changed her definition on Piers' show. Larry King would have called her on it.