Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Dershowitz: Zimmerman Has Defamation Case Against Florida Prosecutor
Renowned civil-rights lawyer Alan Dershowitz told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV that Zimmerman has reason to launch a defamation of character case against Corey.

That word association answer should get her fired, but it won't. She's a Republican who's pandering to the minority and that will keep her popular enough to survive.
I do hope Zimmerman follows through. Unfortunately, many times the tendency is to just let things like this go in hopes that the issue blows over and things can return to normal. Zimmerman was just in a brutal trial that took a heavy toll on him and his family; does he have the will to get involved again in another legal battle? These type of suits have a small window of opportunity, so he has to move quickly. I really hope he does.
NBC, MSNBC, Sharpton, Corey, Crump, and others need to be held accountable for their slander and defamation of character.