Originally Posted by Barb
I don't know. So many here think I am ignorant of the facts because of my view and my comments, so I don't know what to think anymore.
IMO, I think he should have stayed in the car. I don't think he should have followed him.
And for those who think he DID show remorse, in the Hannity interview, Zimmerman was asked if there was anything he regretted...getting out of the car, etc.
And he said "NO!"
So, is he content with a young man, whether a thug or not, dying in the street?
You tell me...
I think that it will only be with this mess behind him that we will ever get to know what GZ thought or felt about it. Right now everything must go through the filter of 'is this going to increase the chance that I will be hurt in some way by my statement'... And actually I am not sure if even GZ can say how he would have felt if there had never been an arrest, a trial, the threats and fear he's endured... it all has to have colored his view of this situation.
I think that what you wish Barb is exactly what I wish... That young men didn't make bad choices that ruin their lives before they are even started. That the world was not a place where people had to carry guns to protect themselves. That these horrible complicated tragedies just did not happen and that if they did there was a clear cut right side and wrong side and everyone told the truth about how things went down and worked toward them not ever happening again.
Not a thing wrong with that. I don't find you wrong for wishing that GZ had done something different that did not end in the loss of TM life. I am sorry I implied I thought you were stupid... it was mean and uncalled for. Please accept my most sincere apology.
Peace to you. ((HUGS))