Originally Posted by Barb
I don't know. So many here think I am ignorant of the facts because of my view and my comments, so I don't know what to think anymore.
IMO, I think he should have stayed in the car. I don't think he should have followed him.
And for those who think he DID show remorse, in the Hannity interview, Zimmerman was asked if there was anything he regretted...getting out of the car, etc.
And he said "NO!"
So, is he content with a young man, whether a thug or not, dying in the street?
You tell me...
When Hannity asked what he would say to Martin's parents, Zimmerman said:
"I would tell them that, again, I'm sorry. My wife and I don’t have any children. I have nephews that I love more than life. I love them more than myself. And I know when they were born, it was a different unique bond and love that I have with them. And I love my children even though they aren’t born yet. I am sorry that they buried their child. I can’t imagine what it must feel like. I pray for them daily."