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Old 07-14-2013, 02:28 PM
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Re: Zimmerman not guilty!!!

Originally Posted by endtimer View Post
In my opinion, this is a case of wanna be thug meets wanna be cop gone bad. I think GZ was unethical but legal when he stepped out to question TM. TM went from innocent to breaking the law when he assaulted GZ. GZ was legally defending his life. GZ was unethical in his approach towards Martin but was certainly with in his legal rights to defend himself. Regardless of Al Sharptons allegations, race had nothing to do with this.
I don't believe there was any evidence GZ "stepped out to question TM".

I believe the evidence shows GZ "stepped out" to be able to find TM because TM "disappeared". GZ was trying to keep an eye on him so the police can find him.

I also don't believe GZ "approached" TM but the other way around. TM "confronted" GZ (the crazy blank cracker) to find out why he was following him....which BTW does not sound like he was scared.
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