Originally Posted by Ferd
To the point I madem the gay rights movement have shown themselves to be bullies more than once recently.
Chick-fil-A is as good a case as any.
The President came out for traditional marriage and for his trouble he was told to SHUT UP. because SHUT UP is what those that dont toe the line are supposed to do.
Not only was a boycott called but cities (government) stated they would not approve zoning to allow Chick-fil-A to open stores in there cities. That right there is an unconstitutional attack
this is what I am talking about and this is what I mean when I say those that do not like the tactics need to hit back. not with physical attacks, but with like attacks. boycotts, not allowing them to win even on small issues.
people with at least half a brain get what I am saying. that means even bullies like path here gets what I am saying but political bullies do what bullies do. they have an agenda that drives them and that frees them to attack anything they can
Path you are what you are. a bully with some agenda. I get it, but now youve been outted.
you can call me names and ridicule all you want. we know what you are. that noise you hear is me laughing at you.... not with you
I don't think Jesus would do that. I believe Jesus would simply pray for the Father to resolve the issue.