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Old 07-05-2013, 08:41 AM
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by JudoSam View Post
i came into the apostolic movement from chassidic judaism.

the idea that we will be sent to jail for not supporting same sex marriage in the courthouse is simply not true.

in orthodox, misnagdic, chassidic, and traditional judaism marriage between a jew and a gentile is strictly forbidden, as is same sex marriage. you never heard anybody in those communities raising a fuss because they were scared about jail if they refused to perform an intermarriage.

within the mormon church, not only can i not be married in their temple, but i can't even go in to watch a wedding take place. in fact, many mormons can't go in to just watch. they aren't going to jail for refusing access to non mormons and "non temple worthy" mormons. the list goes on and on.

for supreme court precedent check wisconson v. yoder, minersville school district v. gobitis, cantwell v. connecticut, sherbert v. verner, and mcdaniel v. paty.

nobody is going to jail for supporting biblical marriage in their own churches.
Judo, these aren’t the same thing. The issue here is that by pushing gay rights in this way drives it to push up against religious freedom. What happens when we get to the place where calling homosexual sex a sin is viewed as hate speech? We have seen that the gay movement wants that. They overtly attacked Chick-fil-A over that very issue. In fact both Boston and Chicago said they would not approve new stores for this company. That is a constitutional issue.

But it goes futher than that. What if a pastor and a church has rented their space to non-members for weddings. Then a gay couple wants to use the building or wants the preacher to perform the ceremony? Can the church be fined? The preacher?

What about some devout person who owns a bakery? Will government shut them down if they refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple? We know that those in the gay movement WANT government intervention in these cases, we know that any individual who opposes sin here is attacked.

This will become an issue where people of faith…ANY FAITH that oppose gay marriage in any way will be attacked. The issue is how far does it go? I don’t know about jail, but I do know that businesses will get shut down.
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