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Old 07-05-2013, 08:15 AM
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Re: Jail/Homosexuality

Originally Posted by OldPathsII View Post
Seniority means nothing. "Years should have taught you wisdom", Elihu told the four complaining idiots in Job 32.

You hide behind two convenient, "Oh, I didn't actually SAY we should beat them up"; and two, "I have gay friends."


Threats by the "gay movement"? There are very few gay people who don't live every single day, dealing with issues like fear, anxiety, intimidation, mockery, bigotry, depression, suicidal tendencies, and hate.

The only response society should have to the "gay movement" is to fall on our collective knees and beg forgiveness.

see folks? Mr path here doesnt like it when people say things he doesnt like. The MOVEMENT has co-opted Mr. Path.

and guess what Mr. Path does? he BULLIES. He attacks, calls names and belittles.

YOU are part of the problem path. YOU are a bully, you want people to beg forgiveness, how about you start off the show?
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