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Old 07-04-2013, 11:15 PM
JudoSam JudoSam is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 21
Re: Jail/Homosexuality

i came into the apostolic movement from chassidic judaism.

the idea that we will be sent to jail for not supporting same sex marriage in the courthouse is simply not true.

in orthodox, misnagdic, chassidic, and traditional judaism marriage between a jew and a gentile is strictly forbidden, as is same sex marriage. you never heard anybody in those communities raising a fuss because they were scared about jail if they refused to perform an intermarriage.

within the mormon church, not only can i not be married in their temple, but i can't even go in to watch a wedding take place. in fact, many mormons can't go in to just watch. they aren't going to jail for refusing access to non mormons and "non temple worthy" mormons. the list goes on and on.

for supreme court precedent check wisconson v. yoder, minersville school district v. gobitis, cantwell v. connecticut, sherbert v. verner, and mcdaniel v. paty.

nobody is going to jail for supporting biblical marriage in their own churches.