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Old 06-30-2013, 05:41 AM
RamoneWooddell RamoneWooddell is offline
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Re: 150th Anniversary

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Amazing isn't it.

I know of book also named "The South Was Right” by the Kennedy Brothers. I haven’t read it but I plan to get it also.

I have found that people, due to the Northern force history lessons, have the idea that if the South would have won then slavery would still be happening today. This is not logical. Yes it would have probably lasted longer than it actually did...maybe. But not forever. The fact is that most of the South freed their slaves during the war without and Executive Order from a tyrant in another country. As modern advances were created, slavery would have been done away with because the economy would not have allowed for it. What made the Confederates speak so much about Slavery and in favor of it was that other States in the Union was trying to tell them what to do in their State. They were using the Federal US Government to extend their will upon another Sovereign State. This was the problem and slavery was the breaking point. Yet this is not what is told by the US Department of Education. Why? Because they want to continue the occupation of another Country.

Don't get me wrong. I love the United States of America, something the even the Confederate States of America did, but I also love the Confederate States of America. Both have things that I do not like. Should I throw the baby out with the bath water? No. But it is not right for one government to continue to occupy another. If Canada or Mexico or China or Russia was doing the same thing as the US has done, would the same attitude be here? I am American. I am both and US Citizen and a Georgian. We should have the truth taught in our schools! Instead of a slanted idea which favors a tyrant government.

Last edited by RamoneWooddell; 06-30-2013 at 05:59 AM.
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