Originally Posted by pelathais
A lot of the manpower the North used to over power the South did come from recent immigrants. A common inducement to enlist was the proviso that as soon as they "took up arms" on behalf of the Federal government of the United States they became citizens.
You are correct in that the UNITED STATES INC did impose an illegal authority not granted to it within the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance, or the Constitution for the united States much less the Constitution of the Confederate States of America. This was in fact the invasion of a tyrant rogue government. Per the above documents by virtue of the declaration of the fact that each State was a State or Nation, and that they each were sovereign they could dissolve the union between themselves and any other State. It was only in the minds of Radical Republicans and a President who would not be restrained by the very document he says he sought to protect and defend.
Even today, you can lose your U.S. citizenship if you "take up arms" in a foreign army. Those dead Irish boys laying on the field at Gettysburg were as much Americans as the commanders who ordered them into battle.
Even while the Southerners were "in rebellion" against the U.S., they were still considered American citizens by the Federals. The Federals were fighting in fact, with the aim of imposing U.S. Federal citizenship upon the Southerners. That was the purpose of the North's fight. "Emancipation" was the underlying and unavoidable theme, but the sovereignty of Washington over the South was the direct aim.
The CSA was not in rebellion to the US, she was a separate and distinct Government. There would have been peace between the two countries if only the US had removed their Federal troops from CSA land. They were asked to leave and refused thereby being invaders. There was no rebellion on the part of the CSA. What was done to the CSA is what is repeatedly done today... the colonization of independent states and governments to make them servants to themselves.
As a side note. The Confederate States of America has been under occupation by the UNITED STATES Inc for the past 150 years. There was never a surrender of the Governments nor a peace treaty signed.