Originally Posted by jediwill83
U never know the seeds u could be planting man...wouldnt it be cool if someone came on that forum reporting something they had never experienced but as they describe it you realized they got the HG?
That would be very cool.
What I'm discovering is that many of them are far more "spiritual" than so many of us. If we post something about an evil presence in our home we're likely to get mocked or teased. I've known pastors who roll their eyes at this sort of thing.
Think about it... we speak in the tongues of angels when we receive the Holy Ghost, the very Spirit of the living God who comes to reside in our inner man. He is the same God manifest in the man Jesus Christ who raised the dead, healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, cast out devils, controlled the weather, and rose from the dead. Yet we act like the supernatural is something alien to us.
If someone mentioned that they converse with angels or cast out demons... fellow believers go skeptical. If we mention a vision or a dream, we get chided. If we discern a person's spirit while present with them or at a distance through a picture... people get all weird. If we believe in anointing oil and prayer cloths... fellow believers smirk.