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Old 06-17-2013, 12:42 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Testing Your Spiritual Gifts:

Here's something interesting that perhaps I've shared before. My son Noah was two going on three. We were on our way home from the mall and it was getting dark. He mentioned wanting to play with his friend. I asked who his friend was. He called his friend "cowboy". I said, "Oh, is he a cowboy?" He said, "Yes". I said, "What is his name?" My son said, "Billy."

The odd thing about this is that my brother "Billy" died when I was about a year old. He was 7 and loved to play with me and watch over me. One of the last photos my mother had of Billy was a picture of him in a cowboy get-up about a week before he died. Now, my son was going on three years old. He had never seen that picture because it had been in an envelope since my mother's death just two days before my son turned 1. Since I wasn't even two years old when Billy died, he's never really a topic of conversation, I never got to know him. His mother and I were really struck that he had said this. When we got home I explained that one of the last photos my mother had of Billy was him in a cowboy outfit. I then dug out the photos later that night and showed them to her.

Was it Billy visiting my son? I don't know. But it is very intriguing.

Who is to say that our beloved loved ones are unable to visit us? We know that we are surrounded with a cloud of witnesses. Running a race as they cheer us on. Even the martyrs of Heaven in Revelation appeared to know what was transpiring on earth. There is only one church... regardless as to if part of that church is on earth or in Heaven.

Last edited by Aquila; 06-17-2013 at 12:44 PM.
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