Originally Posted by keith4him
Jeanie and I with baby David will winging our way to Asia tomorrow. We will arrive in Singapore on Friday Night. The Local Pastor has our agenda full with numerous speaking times.
Saturday to the Married Couples
Sunday-Pentecost Sunday, the entire church with visitors.
Sunday Afternoon-Youth and Singles
Wed and Thurs. School of Ministry 2 Sessions on the Gifts of the Spirit
- The Gifts of Healing, and How to heal the Sick
- The Gift of Prophecy
We covet your prayers, oh forgot to mention between the speaking times we will be able to relax/vacation on a island resort right outside the city. So pray real hard!
Keith and Jeanie
Bro. Keith & Sis. Jeanie,
May the Lord God go before you and prepare the way. May His Hand
of protection be on you two and little David and your two sons remaining
at home, in Jesus Name. May the Anointing of the Holy Ghost rest on you
both as you minister in word and song, in Jesus Name!