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Old 03-03-2013, 05:07 PM
hometown guy hometown guy is offline
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Re: To tithe or not to tithe?

Originally Posted by shag View Post
Please explain the difference between ot tithing and nt tithing, inclusive of explanation 1)where it was changed from ag to money. 2)who ALL trade wise is involved in tithing in the OT, and where and when it wAs altered in the nt to everyone 3) who all received tithes in the OT in comparison to who ALL exactly should receive tithes in the nt. please be explicit seeing as how this transformation is not explained at all in the nt, and there are many mAny nt ministries in the kingdom 4) how exactly was the tithes handled and "worked out" between the new Christians AND the unbelieving Jews while the it temple yet remained "in operation" for the next +/-35 years after Jesus resurrection.
5) Can nt Christisns have "a year if jubilee" and not tithes? Please explain why or why not.

Backing it up with scripture would be good, so we don't have to just guess.
Seriously I have taught on this and I have never been able to finish in one setting so trying to type it all out for me would be impossible. And you know scripture is silent on some of your questions and you are just trying to paint me in a corner
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