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Old 03-03-2013, 08:54 AM
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Re: Please pray for my 4-month-old niece

Originally Posted by bethola View Post
I'm wondering if it just "hurts" for this baby to suck a bottle? It creates negative pressure and since surgery has been done recently this may be a "learned behavior"? Other than that the only other thing that comes to mind is some sort of neurological issue.
Originally Posted by bethola View Post
I'm sorry! Meant to add I will certainly be praying for this child and her parents.
Thanks for your thoughts. We have wondered the same thing, but she loves her pacifier more than anything, and sucks on it. You would think she wouldn't want to suck anything if that were the case?

She is still eating okay, but not well. I talked to my sister yesterday evening. It is still a struggle to get her to eat. She is just not very interested in eating at all, but loves her pacifier. The pediatrician says she has never experienced anything like this in all her years of practice, and all her tests run so far have come back negative. It remains a mystery, and we are hoping that when she gets her glasses that maybe this will turn things around for her.

I appreciate your thoughts, and your prayers, they mean so much!
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