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Old 02-13-2013, 02:10 PM
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Re: End times prophecy /word of knowledge

Originally Posted by denise_109 View Post
I couldn't find the right place to put this thread so I'm sorry. I just want to know if any others are getting these types of prophecies.

My friend attends a different apostolic non-denominational church than I do. When I went there a few years ago, it was once prophecied as thus saith the Lord that time was short. My friend told me that Sunday another prophecy went out, "Thus saith the Lord, it's just around the corner." I do not doubt this man as a prophet because he has the closest walk with God of anyone I've ever known, and his prophecies have always been fulfilled. my own church we've not had any prophecies but about every few weeks we get a sermon that in some way touches on Jesus' return. There seems to be an urgency in the air if that makes sense. More so in the last few months.

Is anyone else feeling this?
I love Jesus.
I am committed to the One God Apostolic Message.
I believe in a pretribulation rapture of the church (I think).

BUT I have been hearing these things since I was a kid in the 1970's "Soon" as interpreted by some of my fellow apostolics is vastly different from my own view.

ie. its February. Christmas is not SOON.

I believe in the "soon" return of Christ but I believe "soon" in that case is on HIS TIME and that means it could be before I finish this post, or it could be in a thousand years.

May the Sweet Clean Lord Jesus HIMSELF bless ya real good!
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